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Brandon Land: Artist, Designer and Illustrator

Today we want to talk to you about Brandon Land, a designer, illustrator and artist from San Francisco. In the last couple of years he has being helping out to study the Dropbox Brand, and designing for it a homely background with illustrations. After that he has worked as art director in Funnel Design Group, Ghost and Ackerman McQueen.

Some of his most important clients are: Airbnb, Collins, Dropbox, Facebook, Google, Instagram and Uber.


His style develops in a wide range. Sometimes it resembles the traditional type of tattoos with a limited color palette, lines of the same size and patterns that repeat recurrently like roses, eagles, knives or barn swallows. Also, he can create simpler illustrations characterized by an even smaller color palette with modest patterns and a friendlier stroke that reminds more childlike illustrations.

Regarding his works with logos he has an even more eclectic style. Some of his designs focus in lettering, others have very basic shapes, others are similar to stamps, others look handmade.




He helped Collins SF with the presence of Airbnb in the Brooklyn Half Marathon. His task as part of this project was to get the existing concepts further and replicate the style of the character created by Dark Igloo. The illustrations were used in many signs by Collins’ design group.



Brandon was commissioned to create a series of illustrations to renovate the app. This time the designer chose a style closely linked to flat design.



He created a series of illustrations for the mobile version. When a new user goes through the process of registration these drawings have a friendly style and tell a story relying on design and illustration.

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