In ArtsCase we know you can find your self dropping your phone every single day, or that you can have had broke your phone screen more than once that’s why we’ve created this article especially for you! Here is the first thing you need to know, What is a Strong shield glass? Our Strong Shield […]
The best products of the highest quality, with ArtsCase signature. Great design, style, innovation and comfort are the main characteristics of all of our devices.
#ArtsMakers Artist of the Mallika!
Namaste! I’m Mallika Dhingra freelance graphic designer available worldwide. I spend my day sitting on my laptop, creating and helping individuals and businesses. A.C-How did you become an illustrator/Artist? It all started 3 years back when I was making doodle paintings on paper, and then there was no turning back. Learning from existing artists, seeing […]

Holiday Gifts Guide For her, for him and for the whole Family !
The season of gifting is upon us, is that time of the year that remember us the importance of giving, but to find the best christmas gift can be stressful on the run up to the big day. Luckily, in ArtsCase We’ve decided to do a Holiday Gift Guide Specially for you and your loved […]

5 Cool things about The day of the Dead!
The day of the dead originated in ancient Mesoamerica. Where indigenous groups, including Aztec, Maya and Toltec, had specific times when they commemorated their loved ones who had passed away. This is a beautiful Mexican tradition. In ArtsCase We made a list of Cool facts of this amazing Celebration: 1. Day of the Dead is […]

#ArtsMakers Artist of the Katerina Kirilova!
Hi! My name is Katerina and I’m an illustrator and pattern designer from Bulgaria. A.C– How did you become an illustrator/Artist? I’ve been drawing since I was a child, I studied art in high school, but I started my career as illustrator 9 years ago making illustrations for microstock sites. A.C-How long have you been […]

#ArtsMakers Coffee Man. Phone Case Designer of the Week.
Hi, I’m Robert Sanchez aka Coffee Man, I’m a graphic designer from Dominican Republic. Since I was a child I liked to draw, I always drew behind my notebooks and I loved coloring books. For 5 years I’ve illustrated professionally. Do you think an illustrator / artist needs a style? Why? I think it is […]

How the Phone Cases from ArtsCase are made? Check our Manufacturing Process now!
If you ever wonder how my phone case protect my phone? or how phone cases are made? you are reading the right blog post! Over the last years Phones have become not something important but essential in our daily life. Right now your phone is not anymore a tool it’s a whole Universe in your […]

Happy International Coffee day! For those Coffee lovers, some Cool Coffee facts.
Today is international Coffee day, if you’re a coffee Lover We prepare this whole article for you, so please keep reading you’ll like it ! First of all We wanted to know a little bit more about this day, and the truth History is that The first official Coffee day was Celebrated on 2015, just […]

5 Cool Facts about Anime that you Should Know!
Here in ArtsCase We have all kind of Art, but one of our favorites is Anime and We have a lot of great artist that are inspired through Japanese Culture such as Ilustrata, Denis Orio, Samiel Art, Vincent Patrick, Laura Nagel among many others, that’s why We decided to learn a little bit more about […]

New iPhone 11, Did you missed the special Event? Here We Made a Summary for you!
It’s not new that the Apple Event is one of the most waited events in the year, Just in case that you missed it and you don’t have time to watch the entire event, We made a special summary just for you, and last but not least We also Launched our Latest iPhone 11 cases […]