Today we have some ideas to match your style. With so many cases to choose from our catalog, you will find one that suits you life style and mood.
Black, white and grey tones
If your look tends to the timeless combination of black and white or shades of gray, we propose a couple of designsthat you can use daily to protect your IPhone or Samsung Smartphone.
Black Lips cover by Alemi is a perfect example of good use of black and white in a design.

I you are more into comic style, Eat the Rich, by Wotto is a design that will surely attract your attention.

Girly look
Maybe you like more pastel colors and prints, we have a couple of suggestions for you too. You will love Sushi Bike Pattern by Coffee Man, with a light blue background and a pattern of pieces of Sushi riding bikes, your smartphone will have that touch you are looking for.

Unicorn Surprise, by Rhiannon Pettie, got us with its childish and cheerful design. Colorful pastel shades and unicorns make the design of this case something special.

Are you more into Iron Maiden than Coldplay? We also have smartphone cases to share with you then. From rock groups, to guitars, fire and skulls.
The classic skull and flower, snake included, Snake and Skull by NiceBleed is more a tattoo than a mobile case.

Stand for Heavy Metal, by Afif Quilimo, black and white metal horns, an icon.

One cover for each style. In ArtsCase we have one of the biggest catalogs of iPhone and Samsung cases, all of them with original designs from independent artists. You will find one that matches you perfectly for sure.