Besides being a portal where we can find a multitude of pictures for our projects, Getty Images also has an archive of images of current news that take some distance form this happy and perfect world of the typical stock pictures. This is the duality people of DDB Argentina plays with, for the famous photography […]

Bet you can’t find him! The ‘invisible’ art of Liu Bolin
Liu Bolin is a Chinese artist, sculptor and photographer. He got his Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts from the Arts School of Shandong University, and a Master Degree in Fine Arts from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2001. He is also known as “the invisible artist” for his photographic series “Hiding in […]

Paper Cutouts by ‘Paperboyo’ Transform World Landmarks into Quirky Scenes
London-based paper artist and photographer Rich McCor (aka. paperboyo) has a way of seeing the world from a slightly different perspective. By adding a simple paper cutout to the foreground of famous buildings or other popular tourist attractions, he creates novel moments in time where an octopus squirms from inside the Colosseum or a WW2-era […]

These artists create detailed portraits manipulating grass
Most people don’t pay attention to grass and the way it grows, but Heather Ackroyd and Dan Harvey do. They have always been fascinated about these things and now they have found a clever way to incorporate it in their art. While manipulating the way grass grows, they can create detailed portraits in a living […]

Welcome fall with your photographic camera in hand
Fall and its color and light changes become a good opportunity to capture great photographic images. While weeks go by and he head into the ending of fall, all colors around you will be turning gold and ocher. The nights will be longer and the moments to take pictures with natural light will become fewer. […]