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Can You Solve This Viral Math Puzzle That Is Boggling Minds On The Internet?

The Internet loves a good brain teaser, and a new math puzzle has emerged to occupy the time of many puzzle-lovers.

Involving an equation formed by colored matchsticks that reads “6+4=4”, the puzzle prompts you to fix it by moving a single stick.

While some found the puzzle incredibly simple, others were left baffled as to how to solve the question. With many possible solutions, we have discovered four answers to the puzzle.

Test your brain by fixing the equation below, and scroll down for the solutions.

Test your brain by fixing the equation below, and scroll down for the solutions.

The solutions are: 8-4=4, 0+4=4, 5+4=9, and 6-4≠4. Did you get the answer?

[via indy100]

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