Perhaps this might be news for you, but you can sell your old iPhone and get some money to buy the new iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus. You even have another possibility: recycling your old iPhone. Depending on the company or personal buyer, while selling your old iPhone you could get up to a […]

Machines learning to predict human behavior
Human beings have the capacity of seeing a photograph and knowing what would happen immediately later. This is so natural for us that we do not consider the huge amount of information necessary for this task. Teaching computers to do the same is quite a challenging undertaking. MIT researchers have trained computers to predict what […]

Useful gestures for your Android and iPhone devices
Android is the operating systems that allows its users the highest number of customization options. However, several of Android gestures are somewhat difficult to discover and they do not come with a guide to teach how to use them. So, here we display some of Android’s most useful shortcuts: Two-finger swipe down You can access […]

Amazing Star Wars Illustrations by Greg Ruth
A couple of months ago we featured the superb work of Greg Ruth and in that post we shared a couple of his new Star Wars illustrations – something that we noticed was appreciated by a lot of you guys. What I didn’t know back then is that Greg is actually putting out new illustrations […]

How to Use Your Old Headphones With The New iPhone 7
As we all have heard Apple is leaving behind the headphone jack while launching the new AirPods. This new wireless headset will connect with Bluetooth, but in order to use your old headphones the new iPhones will come with an adapter, and still include a pair of Lightning-compatible, wired EarPods. In case of losing this […]

The new iPhone 7
Apple has announced the launching of its new set of wireless headphones called AirPods, the Apple Watch Series 2, and of course, the awaited iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. The new iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus come with remarkable new features; they will include a new dual camera, a sapphire display, and will […]

The new and enhanced Daft Punk’s GuyMan Helmet
Two Spanish fans of the Daft Punk band have created their own and improved version of the GuyMan Helmet. It took these two members of the LoveProps company more than a year of daily work to finish their project, but the final result is unbelievable. The helmet is an identical replica of the original, or […]

The secret message of tattoos
Every tattoo is a statement and means something. “People get tattoos for an aesthetic reason and don’t realize there are often centuries-old stories behind the imagery,” says author Trent Aitken-Smith, 44, a long-time body-art fanatic and editor of industry bible Tattoo Master. Aitken-Smith‘s has written a book entitled The Tattoo Dictionary that serves as a compendium […]

This is the iPhone 7, all features of this new device
Now presenting Apple’s AirPods!! Wireless headphones! To connect them you just have to open the box and that’s it! They can be connected to iPhone, Apple Watch and iPad. The AirPods’ battery lasts for 24 hours of continuous use and can be charged right in their box with the Lightning cable. The iPhone will include […]