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The best logo designs of all times

The I love NY logo, designed by Milton Glaser, is identified by everybody because it has become a landmark image for the city.


The logotype and all the branding constitute the essential elements for a brand. They must represent a simple and memorable graphic. Of course, not all logotypes are created the same way, and while some have to go through numerous evolutions to keep up to date, the best logos resist the passing of time.

To find the best logotypes of all times Fast Co. Design ask several designers their opinions about a number of logos. Let’s take a look at what they said.


Armin Vit from Under Consideration thinks that the IBM logo designed by Paul Rand is one of the few logotypes that continues to be in force thanks to its good design.


Toby Southgate from Brand Union highlighted that the Ferrari logotype designed by Enzo Ferrari suggests the ideas of power, glamor, velocity and competition.

best logo

Jonny Naismith from Moving Brands says that the logotype of Victoria & Albert Museum designed by Alan Fletcher from Pentagram has a perfect balance between elegance and mystery.


John Paolini from Sullivan acknowledges that the accidental Mickey Mouse’s logotype is a combination of circles that inevitably reminds you of Disney.

Via Design Taxi  

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