Summer is finally here again, the 3 happiest months of the year have arrived. Some resting, mountain or beach, relax, and, why not?, brand new case for your iPhone or Samsung so everybody knows you trully are that Summer Lover. In ArtsCase we have an immense catalog of unique designs of mobile cases, and, of […]
Author: artscase_eu

Artscase X Danny Serrano
In ArtsCase we are proud to launch our most recent special collaboration, a set of exclusive designs of phone cases with DJ Danny Serrano. You can now give a new look to your Samsung or iPhone with designs from your favorite DJ. About Danny Serrano Effortlessly balancing a will to experiment with an unwavering commitment […]

Popular Artists: Martina, Majoih & Riza Peker
Apart from our series of posts about new or prolific artists in our catalog of iPhone and Samsung cases, we want to give more visibility to our most popular artists, those whose designs are more successful among our clients. Do you want to customize your brand new iPhone X? Maybe that fantastic Samsung Galaxy S10 […]

3 case themes, 3 different looks
Today we have some ideas to match your style. With so many cases to choose from our catalog, you will find one that suits you life style and mood. Black, white and grey tones If your look tends to the timeless combination of black and white or shades of gray, we propose a couple of […]

Artists of the week: TigaTiga, CocoDes, Andrea Haase
This week in ArtsCase we bring you more inspiring artists to protect your iPhone or Samsung with the style and freshness that characterize our mobile cases. This time the selected artists are TigaTiga, CocoDes, and Andrea Haase, three of our more recent contributors, who have brought to our catalog designs of very different styles, from […]

Customize your upcoming Galaxy s10 case
To coincide with the launch of Samsung latest smartphones line, in ArtsCase we are about to launch our cutom Galaxy s10 case for all designs currently in our store, so you can have one of them or design your own shortly. The new Samsung Galaxy s10 In this year event, Samsung unveiled its storied S […]

Artists of the Week and their custom designed phone cases
With Artists of the week we want to launch a new section of the ArtsCase blog. We’d love to introduce you to some of the many artists that have been encouraged to publish their custom designs for our catalog of iphone and samsung cases, since they make it possible for this project to keep moving […]

Get inspired by music
Inspiration is about breaking out of your usual mental habits, use these ideas to get you inspired by music. How does music inspire you? There have always been studies about how music affects the brain and a lot of them showed that classical music, such as Mozart and Beethoven to be highly beneficial to your […]

ArtsCase Talk: Isa Loren
Isa Loren (Spain) is an art lover. She looks for art in every corner and every moment. The painting has always accompanied her, she loves to create in all its forms. Isa is a member of the global ArtsCase artist community. She now combines her passion for art with her law studies, but she doesn´t imagine her life without creativity. We had a short talk with her and this is what she told us. -Could you describe your creative process? When I’m going to create, I need motivation and I find it in inspiration, that sometimes it comes alone and others I have to go out and look for it. -What would you say is your strongest skill? The creativity. -Who are the people who have influenced […]