There are many advantages of having a big screen, although sometimes they are difficult to protect, but that’s what cases are there for. They make smartphones more ergonomic, prevent damages caused by falls and besides you can have a case that matches your style. If you’re one of those people that fell in love […]
Author: ArtsCase

A group of artists give life to an Australian city thanks to street art
Many times what a city needs to keep its magic is a touch of art. This is what this group of 8 local and Berliner artists did in some alleys of the touristic Australian city of Byron Bay. Through a street art focused in light and color, “Elysium” aims to relive a forgotten zone of […]

Differences between iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone 8
Apple could surprise us next September, but it seems that everything –or almost everything– has already been filtered about iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone 8. Especially things related to design will change in iPhone 8 in the occasion of the tenth anniversary. Taking the prototypes as a starting point, we have a visual […]

Protect your smartphone this return to school with cool iPhone cases
August is here and if you haven’t done it yet, it’s time to equip yourself with all you need to get back to school. And we’re not only talking about books, backpacks and other school supplies: your phone too needs an accessory that protects it, that allows you to enjoy it with no risks and […]

This campaign of painting sport courts represents gender inequality in sport
Inequality between men and women is also present in the world of sport. ESPNW decided to denounce this in a very original manner: painting these differences in sport courts and tracks. In this way, they took advantage of the divisions each of these spaces have to represent data such as the tournaments that pay higher […]

This graffiti artist uses art to defend her rights
Shamsia Hassani is an Afghan artist that uses graffiti to claim for women’s rights and freedom in a country where war hasn’t left any room for them. Using art as a means to protest in a country like Afghanistan is no easy task. Even less if you’re a woman. But this 29-old Afghan has set […]

“The best and worst photos” the Getty Images campaign that displays our world’s injustices
Besides being a portal where we can find a multitude of pictures for our projects, Getty Images also has an archive of images of current news that take some distance form this happy and perfect world of the typical stock pictures. This is the duality people of DDB Argentina plays with, for the famous photography […]

Shadows starred these photos and illustrations
Shadows are the protagonist elements in this illustration series. Shadows constitute an undeniable visual element that can be both emulated in drawings and be captured in a photograph. You can get a great result if you combine different graphic and physical elements integrated with the shadows they generate according to the perspective from where they […]

Wiener Sausages Humorously Reimagined As Famous Pop Culture Icons And Paintings
A dark-haired, caped sausage stands amongst mountains, gripping its sword. The caption? “Wiener is coming.” Two eerie hot dogs donned in pale blue frocks stand stock-still at the end of a long hallway. They are the Grady ‘twieners’ from The Shining. These, and other sausages, are part of a series called ‘The Daily Wiener’ by […]

This basketball court comes alive thanks to street art
What’s the importance of sport in the world of art and aesthetics? According to fashion brand Pigalle and ill Studio, “since ancient Greek and Roman times, sport has been represented as a dominant idea of beauty within an epoch”. This is the reason why they have decided to give life to this basketball court that […]