Smartphones has become a very valuable item in our life. Whether you spend a good amount of money for the latest iPhone or just recently bought an entry level smartphone, it’s important to take care of it in order to extend the lifetime. Having a smartphone in mint condition not only will extend it’s lifetime […]

‘Largest’ Mural in the World
Misha Most, the artist behind Evolution-2, started painting during the dawn of the Russian street art movement in 1997. He later became a member of Moscow’s first graffiti team and his personal projects have been displayed in countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, USA, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and France. Now, 20 years on from his humble […]

Presenting our news cases for Samsung Galaxy Note 8.
Due to high demand of mails and messages in social media, asking compatibility with new devices, we’re pleased to present you the new cases for Samsung Galaxy Note 8 in our line of models of cases. Samsung gets all the attention of the consumers, especially with the Galaxy Note 8, this device have charmed to […]

The best cases for Samsung Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+
There are many advantages of having a big screen, although sometimes they are difficult to protect, but that’s what cases are there for. They make smartphones more ergonomic, prevent damages caused by falls and besides you can have a case that matches your style. If you’re one of those people that fell in love […]

A group of artists give life to an Australian city thanks to street art
Many times what a city needs to keep its magic is a touch of art. This is what this group of 8 local and Berliner artists did in some alleys of the touristic Australian city of Byron Bay. Through a street art focused in light and color, “Elysium” aims to relive a forgotten zone of […]

This graffiti artist uses art to defend her rights
Shamsia Hassani is an Afghan artist that uses graffiti to claim for women’s rights and freedom in a country where war hasn’t left any room for them. Using art as a means to protest in a country like Afghanistan is no easy task. Even less if you’re a woman. But this 29-old Afghan has set […]

Wiener Sausages Humorously Reimagined As Famous Pop Culture Icons And Paintings
A dark-haired, caped sausage stands amongst mountains, gripping its sword. The caption? “Wiener is coming.” Two eerie hot dogs donned in pale blue frocks stand stock-still at the end of a long hallway. They are the Grady ‘twieners’ from The Shining. These, and other sausages, are part of a series called ‘The Daily Wiener’ by […]

Lora Zombie, the artist of magic colorful unicorns
Lora Zombie is the artist that surprised the world with her great talent to create graphic works combining all kinds of techniques. With no academic training but with a great imagination and domain of plastic technics she has accomplished to create a unique style followed by millions of fans worldwide. Influenced by the style of […]

Introducing Cool Coffee mugs on ArtsCase
Start your morning with wonderful art. We are very happy to share with you our new cool coffee mugs with original art. They’re now available in the ArtsCase shop! You can find thousands of designs. From now art fills more spaces in your life. Each ceramic mug is available in 11oz or 15 oz sizes […]

Our Strongfit Designer Series is now available for Samsung GS8
Our Strongfit Designer series provides your cellphone with double protection. It consists on a dual layer: one silicone cover and a hard rubber case. It is bumper and scratchproof without leaving aside a trendy and even glamorous look. This makes it the best looking and most protective product available in the market. You can choose […]