In ArtsCase We are truly in love with animals, and as everyone else We adore dogs! That’s why We bring you this article about how having this cuties will not only make you happier but also Will improve your life quality. As you may know there are many benefits of having a dog, their adorable […]

How the Phone Cases from ArtsCase are made? Check our Manufacturing Process now!
If you ever wonder how my phone case protect my phone? or how phone cases are made? you are reading the right blog post! Over the last years Phones have become not something important but essential in our daily life. Right now your phone is not anymore a tool it’s a whole Universe in your […]

5 Cool Facts about Anime that you Should Know!
Here in ArtsCase We have all kind of Art, but one of our favorites is Anime and We have a lot of great artist that are inspired through Japanese Culture such as Ilustrata, Denis Orio, Samiel Art, Vincent Patrick, Laura Nagel among many others, that’s why We decided to learn a little bit more about […]

New iPhone 11, Did you missed the special Event? Here We Made a Summary for you!
It’s not new that the Apple Event is one of the most waited events in the year, Just in case that you missed it and you don’t have time to watch the entire event, We made a special summary just for you, and last but not least We also Launched our Latest iPhone 11 cases […]

#ArtsMakers Martina. Phone Case Designer of the Week.
Hi! My name is Martina, I’m a professional European illustrator specializing in fashion and lifestyle. I create feminine, modern custom images to help both small and big brands to get noticed, stand out of the crowd and promote themselves in a new, fresh way. I also do personal commissions, statement wall art, book covers, editorial […]

#ArtsMakers Marcos Coehlo. Phone Case Designer of the Week.
Hi! My name is Marcos Coehlo, I’m from Brazil and I studied Design. I grew up on a small town and lived for a few years on a countryside house with my parents. The main motivation of my work was to make something I could pour my heart into, immerse myself completely. I love nature, […]

In ArtsCase We celebrate everything! Today is a special day, it’s International Left Handers Day,We were curious about the origin of this tradition, and this is what We found… “August 13 is International Left Handers Day. The date has been observed on August 13 each year since 1976, when it was founded by Dean R. […]

#ArtsMakers Steve Swade. Phone Case Designer of the Week.
Get to know the story behind our Artist Steve Swade, He’s a very important part of our ArtsCase family. His work is wonderful, and so is Him! Get inspired by Him and discover the magic of the person that creates the art you love… This time our Artist recorded a video in his Studio. This […]

3 Reasons why you should practice the art of doing nothing.
Most people today, including me, do not know how to rest, our generation is always connected doing multiple tasks at the same time, if we watch a movie we have our cell phone in hand and we are checking our mail, if we walk in the street We are sending voice notes on WhatsApp or […]

ArtsCase Artist of the Week Majoih From Brazil
Get to know the story behind our Artist Majo, She’s a very important part of our ArtsCase family. Her work is wonderful, and so is she, Get inspired by her and discover the magic of the person that creates the art you love… ArtsCase. Give us a short description of yourself. The best words to […]