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#ArtsMakers Artist of the DEJADREWIT!

Hi, I’m Deja. I live in southern California with my 6 year old son. I grew up in New York and I’m from Russia. A.C-How did you become an illustrator/Artist? I’ve drawn since I was a kid, art  was my major in high school and college. While in college, my mom worked for a fashion […]

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#ArtsMakers Artist of the Week Micklyn Le Feuvre!

Hi my name is Micklyn Le Feuvre, I’m an illustrator and designer, I live in South Africa near Cape Town. How long I have been an artist? I’ve always wanted to be an artist, is there anything I really ever wanted to do was that, It’s my passion! How is my Style as an Artist? […]

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#ArtsMakers Coffee Man. Phone Case Designer of the Week.

 Hi, I’m Robert Sanchez aka Coffee Man, I’m a graphic designer from Dominican Republic. Since I was a child I liked to draw, I always drew behind my notebooks and I loved coloring books. For 5 years I’ve illustrated professionally. Do you think an illustrator / artist needs a style? Why? I think it is […]

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