Namaste! I’m Mallika Dhingra freelance graphic designer available worldwide. I spend my day sitting on my laptop, creating and helping individuals and businesses. A.C-How did you become an illustrator/Artist? It all started 3 years back when I was making doodle paintings on paper, and then there was no turning back. Learning from existing artists, seeing […]

5 Cool Facts About Pumpkins on Halloween!
In ArtsCase We know that when it comes of pumpkins there is a long list of activities that you can do during Halloween season, but, What facts do you know about pumpkins? Here We made a list of the Coolest Facts about this fruit! Yeah, It is a Fruit! 5 Cool Facts About Pumpkins on […]

#ArtsMakers Ilustrata. Phone Case Designer of the Week.
Hi! We’re Ilustrata an illustration studio, composed of three illustrators me (David), Bruno and Victor. We’re all from Brazil, and We live in a small city here. Lovers of retro art style, games and Japanese culture, and it reflects a lot on our work. This is our Interview with ArtsCase! How did you become an […]

Pictures where the Pantone colors of the year are used
Photographs that contrast with modern world The photographer Neal Grundy focused on the beauty of paint and he accomplished that using water and Quartz Pink of Pantone and Serenity. Paint has been for a long time an essential tool to create art, and many times we tend to pay less attention to other forms of […]

Student wins NatGeo photo contest with an iPhone 6s
An image that fascinated everybody in the international contest A graduate student from the Chinese University of Hong Kong received lots of compliments and a distinction from National Geographic for a picture she took with an iPhone 6s. Kira Waison Lee is currently specializing in Japanese studies, but when she’s not in class or studying, […]

7 ideal objectives to photograph this fall
When it comes about photography, every time of the year has its particularities and fall isn’t the exception. We’re just in the middle of the season and the rains continue; days are shorter and the objectives we want to photograph look very different from their appearance in the other times of the year. We present […]

Welcome fall with your photographic camera in hand
Fall and its color and light changes become a good opportunity to capture great photographic images. While weeks go by and he head into the ending of fall, all colors around you will be turning gold and ocher. The nights will be longer and the moments to take pictures with natural light will become fewer. […]

The story behind world’s best pictures of nature
We reveal the images of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year, one of the most prestigious contest of nature photography. One instant, one unique moment is caught by the lens. The always moving nature is now captured in motionless spectacular images. Although most of our fascination for those photographs comes from feeling we’re spying the […]