If you’re fan of coffee or tea a well-designed cup will always enliven your day. There are infinity of designs, so everybody can have their own style with this object that will accompany you every day. Surely many have their favorite mug at home and if they’re picky they’ll pay attention to the material, the […]

These artists create detailed portraits manipulating grass
Most people don’t pay attention to grass and the way it grows, but Heather Ackroyd and Dan Harvey do. They have always been fascinated about these things and now they have found a clever way to incorporate it in their art. While manipulating the way grass grows, they can create detailed portraits in a living […]

15 eatable works of art too awesome to eat
We all know you shouldn’t play with your food, but nobody said anything about creating art with it. Elaborated exclusively with foods, this collection of eatable works of art is as appetizing as artistic. We can find lollipops that belong to a museum, cookies inspired on decorative art and even sushi shaped as fish. Each […]

4 creatives that are rock stars on Instagram
Being creative is not a bad career for those who make an effort to have their own style. This is what these four professionals demonstrate with their own studios while being a source of inspiration for many. Surely you already know some of them that have an outstanding resume. Jessica Walsh She is a […]

BIC pens open stores where you pay with your creativity
BIC celebrates the 60th anniversary of the famous M10 pen, opening two temporary stores in Amsterdam and Antwerp with the genius idea: not accepting payments with money but with your own creativity. That’s right. When entering the store, clients are given several blank “bills” to draw anything they want in them and with any BIC […]

10 ideas for DIY Valentine’s Gifts
Valentine’s Day is coming and is a day as good as any other to show appreciation to our love ones. Today we want to share with you some ideas to offer a little detail to that special someone. Sometimes is more valuable a present made with your own hands instead of just spending a lot […]

Apple posts new wallpapers made with iMac and iPad to celebrate the Chinese New Year
The Chinese New Year officially begins on January 28 and it would be the year of the rooster. Giving its the imminent arrival, Apple has created a section in his web targeted to Asian countries. There, they have posted a series of exclusive wallpapers that follow the traditional style of Nianhua created by five young […]

Rick and Morty art prints that you can take home
Gallery 1988 (West) in Los Angeles is displaying the official “Rick and Morty” art show. This event will be held this month from January the 13th to January the28 th. The best thing about this show is that you can both visit the exhibition and have the opportunity of taking these incredible works of art […]

Cubism and Realism Collide in New Murals and Paintings by ‘Belin’
Spanish artist Miguel Ángel Belinchón Bujes, or Belin, has long been known in the graffiti world for his photorealistic murals. After a recent trip to Pablo Picasso’s birthplace however, his work has begun to adopt elements of cubism—now producing creative portraits in a style he’s dubbed postneocubismo. His works are often based on loved ones, breaking […]

Stairs around the world turned into art
Urban art is best known for those murals that cover complete walls, and even a whole side of a building. This kind of art has the capacity of turning the world in an outdoor gallery, but there is a surface that tends to be ignored: stairs.