June 18th is just around the corner and you need to choose what to give dad in his special day. For you to get it right, this year we offer you 25 of our best arts perfect for father’s day. Let’s try not to give this year the typical cologne and the tie. Choose the […]

This could be one of the big novelties of the future Samsung Galaxy S9
Although it is a huge device, Samsung Galaxy S8 has been for some people a little disappointment. It’s true that this terminal offers an outstanding result in every aspect but we also expected a bigger difference between the previous generation and the new one. Feelings aside, the work for this year is already done and […]

ArtsCase Talk – Jay Maninang
Jay Maninang aka silenTOP is an artist from Philippines. This Architectural visualizer, graphic designer and licensed architect is descendant of the famous Philippine painter Fabián de la Rosa. Jay has worked in a variety of big projects focused on architecture,interior design, landscaping, illustration and graphic presentations. We had a short talk with him and this […]

Apple tells you how to take better pictures with your iPhone 7
Apple team posted a series of instruction videos with advises to take better pictures with the iPhone7 camera. We all like to take pictures with our phone. If you have an iPhone 7, surely you will want to take advantage of its camera. This is why Apple team recently posted in its website a dozen […]

Galaxy S8 and S8+: Three things you should know before buying it
Samsung has done it again. Once again its devices are considered as one of the best in the market both in and out Android. Its camera, performance, screen and specially its design are the strongest attributes of the new Korean leading device. However, and although we would like it, not everything about this terminal is […]

Affiliation Marketing: an excellent option to increase your income as an Artist
In this opportunity we want to talk to you about one of the online marketing strategies that is currently having excellent results. If you’re an artist selling your products online and you have your own website, blog, Facebook and other social media with good traffic, the Affiliate Marketing might be the perfect opportunity to take […]

Surtex 2017 Inspiration & Businesses
Surtex is a B2B (business to business) marketplace and this fair brings together the best professionals and companies related to the field of design. Surtex takes place in New York and gathers more than 5000 people like clients, artists, designers and studios. In Surtex they’ll display the latest news and innovations related to design and […]

Ten years to illustrate a book with Paint
Patience. This is one of Patrick Hines’ key attributes. This writer and illustrator based in Boston has accomplished what seemed impossible: illustrating a whole novel with Paint without being mistaken with a child. For example, that kid that closed Paint for the first time in 1995 and that took him nine years to reopen it. […]

Some Samsung Galaxy S8 could be different among them
Buying a Samsung Galaxy S8 can be like playing the lottery and it’s possible this company has “pulled off a Huawei”. Recently, we got to know about the fact there were different models of internal memory and RAM for the Huawei P10, something that caused a big reaction. Samsung seems to have undertaken a similar […]

5 documentaries every creative should watch
Sometimes creativity burst from where you least expect it. That’s why it’s always a completely recommendable advice potentiating it while getting immerse in the culture that surrounds us: music, art, movies… Today we bring you 5 audiovisual pieces that, through different documental narrations take us closer to great figures of the world of creativity. Ai […]