Today we are used to stylus and that intuitive way to interact with screens in a wide variety of devices. Wacom now has the initiative to launch Wacom Mobile Studio Pro, a new device specifically target to creative people. They expect to be selling it at the end of November. MobileStudio has six variations: four […]

When photography is wangle to create polemic
Although the purpose of photography may differ from cause to cause, it is always preferable displaying reliable images instead of enhance ones. Sometimes photography can be used as a powerful visual weapon that in the search of making people conscious of different issues, displays dramatic elements and scenes that could be perceived as enhanced. The […]

Watch live through Periscope illustrators, calligraphers and painters while working Art in Periscope
A couple of days ago the web page of Periscope app launched new functions. The one that interested me the most is the possibility of seeing through the navigator of our computer the live transmission users record from their cellphones. Among all the existing categories there is one very interesting called “art”. There we can […]

The best logo designs of all times
The I love NY logo, designed by Milton Glaser, is identified by everybody because it has become a landmark image for the city. The logotype and all the branding constitute the essential elements for a brand. They must represent a simple and memorable graphic. Of course, not all logotypes are created the same way, and while […]

6 new apps for photo editing you shouldn’t ignore this 2016
Smartphone’s cameras have considerably improve in the last couple of years. This has given us the opportunity to take incredibly beautiful pictures without knowing too much of photography. If we run these images through a photo enhance app, the result can be simply spectacular for sharing in social networks. The six apps we show you […]

ArtsCase Talk – Amaya Brydon
Amaya resides in Canada’s ocean playground, Nova Scotia. She is a self-taught designer who works mainly with watercolours. She is an ocean lover and a nature addict who finds constant inspiration in the sea and her natural surroundings. Driven by a passion for bright and bold colours and nautical influences she creates work that brings a pop of colour to your world. […]

Top 10 designers in Behance
Behance is the perfect place to find new works and artists all well as creative inspiration. This site offers such a wide range of designers that it results to be a little difficult to select just a few. However, we have gathered some of the best web designers, illustrators and graphic designers. Take a look: […]

What do you think about the shoes designed by Kanye West?
Kanye West has taken part in the design of one model of Adidas’ shoes. What’s your opinion? Involved in fashion world since a while, the singer Kanye West has developed a design of a new sports shoe along with the Adidas Company. The famous American singer has gotten involved in several times with shoe design […]

Relaxing Time with Blank Windows
Among all those pages we open through web navigators we find a whole series of elements such as publicity banners, animations, color schemes or tools. There is so much content originated in the web that it can become a complete chaos while watching the big picture. If you are seeking for a little bit of […]

5 steps for freeing your creativity
In order to make your creativity grow, you will only have to change some basic things and the most important one is avoiding routine. Good ideas don’t come to life magically, but with certain guidelines we can boost our brain to have better ideas. Take a look at these five steps and activities that will […]